A project for The Sunday Times British Homes Awards.
To achieve a Building Regulations 2016/FEES/Carbon Compliance, Level 5 -Code for Sustainable Homes.
Stromal’- a term from biology referring to connectivity;- Elements within the building; – have equivalents to internal organs, cardiovascular and nervous system and skin, for elements to be interrelated.
With the rise of energy costs, new technologies can be incorporated to minimise the consumption of energy. Technologies offer the opportunity to improve our health and wellbeing, manage and assist the changes in life as we get older and manage and monitor the environment we live in and the energy we use.
Using component led technology to enhance the efficiency of the construction, with fully fitted out volumetric accommodation and prefabricated cladding along with various prefabricated components.
‘Stromal House’ was designed to be constructed as a detached building, semidetached or terraced. It can be extended later allowing for development by the owner